Indian Wedding favors

Indian wedding accessories, Indian wedding favors and innovative wedding decorations to make your wedding exclusive and special.

Wedding Accessories

Indian wedding accessories, Indian wedding favors and innovative wedding decorations to make your wedding exclusive and special.

Designer Wedding Cards

Looking for Indian wedding invitation cards, is the place where you can buy marriage invitaion cards, exclusive and designer wedding cards, special occasion cards and add on items all of your choice.

Scroll Wedding Invitations

These are our cheap and reasonable range of scrolls without boxes i.e. only scrolls with envelops or without envelops. Good as wedding scrolls, wedding programs and handouts.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Few Do's & Don'ts! Organizing A Wedding

  • Planning of wedding is a tough task. There are numerous things that you need to take care of to successfully pull off the event. Let us take a look at some of the prominent do’s and don’ts of organizing a wedding and arranging for a wedding supplier.
  • Decide the budget. Take it into account the financial support you are going to get from your family members & friends. 
  • Next decide on the kind of wedding. Whether you would like to tie the nuptial in traditional way or would like to go with an exciting theme or destination wedding.
  •  Make list of guests. Cross check the list along with family member to make sure you have not missed any one.
  •  Book a venue according to the number of guests. Make sure the venue is comfortable to reach for both parties. If you have made staying arrangement for the guests then it would be better if the venue is nearby. It will save time and transportation cost.
  •  Next come vendor and suppliers. Make a list of vendors & suppliers needed for marriage.
  •  Ask friends, relatives and acquaintances to furnish names of some good vendors. You can also take help of social networking sites like Facebook and Orkut to get hold of some reliable vendors. You can also check in local newspapers.
  •  Short list 3 to 5 suppliers for the job then fix an appointment with them. A face to face meeting will better then a telephonic conversation or email. In person meeting will help you to better explain your needs and see how they can fulfill it.
  •  Keep a record of the wedding suppliers you met. Make it a point to note down how you felt after meeting them. You can write positive and negative points of each of them. It will make the selection process easy. Also ask them to give a quote. 

  • Once you feel that you have fond the suitable wedding vendor then go ahead and get into a return contract. 
  • On the wedding day there are numerous task, so decide in advance what work you will allot to whom, don’t take everything on yourself.
  • Appoint someone with good interpersonal skills as the head. It would be his job to ensure that everyone is doing their job correctly.

  • Don’t trust anyone blindly. When it comes to vendors always make it a point to do thorough background check. Ask for references. A good suppliers will happily give you contact of his loyal customers.
  • Don’t hire suppliers who exceed your budget.
  •  Don’t be impatient and jump on the first option that comes on the way. If you like some vendor but he is not agreeing on your terms and condition then don’t worry, and let him go. Keep searching till you come across a good vendor.
  • Don’t sign the contract in a hurry. Take your own time, do some market research, read testimonials and check quote, if you find all the these reasonable and most importantly it is within your budget then only think about getting into a contract.