Sunday 9 June 2013

Leave A Lasting Impression By Applying Innovative Ideas To Welcome The Baraat

Weddings are becoming more glitzy day by day. People are not lagging behind anymore in splurging money and the emphasis is on coming up with unique ways to amuse and mesmerize the invited guests by thinking out of the box. Receiving baarat is one of the most significant moments of a wedding event. It is no exaggeration to say that almost the entire success of a wedding event is dependent on this aspect. Generally, the family of a groom and his near and dear ones possess a tendency to associate the welcome of the baraat with their reputation. In such case, bride’s family remains quite cautious since no wedding preparation can compensate with that welcoming that is devoid of enthusiasm and proper arrangements. Unique ideas regarding greeting the procession can mesmerize the groom’s kith and kin, to a great extent. Let’s have a glance on some brilliant ideas:

Serving refreshment like snacks, beverages, sweet, etc is a common feature but adding some unique touch to the same feature will certainly impress the baraatis. For an instance, if budget is not a concern then beverages may be presented in silver glasses and instead of sweets pieces, entire sweet box, adorned with a beautiful packing may be offered to the guests. For little kids, chocolates in an attractive pack may be offered.

There is a trend of showering flower petals on the barratis, but by making this trend more personalized, you can leave a lasting impression. For an instance, on the entrance door, two little girls or young girls may stand on the opposite sides of the entrance door for offering a rose bud to every single guest in the procession. Another impressive idea is to welcome the gents by putting garlands around their necks by elder person from a bride’s family or to welcome the females by offering them a beautiful and fresh rose bud. You can also think of showering petals of beautiful flowers on the guests by putting all the petals inside a big balloon and the moment, baraatis enter the entrance guest, the balloon will burst and the petals will fall on the guests.

Sprinkling rose water is a common feature but a touch of uniqueness may be developed in that as well, by using rose air freshener in AC systems, in order to spread a pleasing scent around the venue. By using a quality freshener, you can easily turn the cooling system of your venue into a fragrant deodorizer.

The trend of wedding favors has been in existence from a long time, but how to ensure smile on the faces of the guests by offering them a good wedding favor, is still an intriguing question. The choice and preference of every single guest is bound to be different from another. If budget is a constraint then it does make sense to opt for standard wedding favors like wall clocks, god idol, etc, but if budget is not a constraint then there is no limit of creativity in thinking about attractive wedding favors. Offering a wedding favor with a box of dry fruits and a thank you card will certainly go a long way to impress your guests.

Another great idea is to offer a thank you card to the barratis. A thank you card may also be included in a wedding invitation. There are some outstanding online wedding invitation card portals that offer a customized package for muslim wedding cards and hindu wedding cards. A package includes main wedding card, RSVP card and Thank You Card in advance. Besides offering hindu wedding cards and muslim wedding cards, the majority of the online card stores also offer Christian wedding card, multi-faith wedding invitation, etc.


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  2. Best way and venue to welcome the barat in its perfect way. I like the decorations and settings which is Ideal for a Hindu wedding. Thanks for the tips to mesmerize the groom’s kiths and kins. I shall try it on my sister’s wedding.
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  3. Very useful ideas n tactics...
    Thank you so much..

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