Indian Wedding favors

Indian wedding accessories, Indian wedding favors and innovative wedding decorations to make your wedding exclusive and special.

Wedding Accessories

Indian wedding accessories, Indian wedding favors and innovative wedding decorations to make your wedding exclusive and special.

Designer Wedding Cards

Looking for Indian wedding invitation cards, is the place where you can buy marriage invitaion cards, exclusive and designer wedding cards, special occasion cards and add on items all of your choice.

Scroll Wedding Invitations

These are our cheap and reasonable range of scrolls without boxes i.e. only scrolls with envelops or without envelops. Good as wedding scrolls, wedding programs and handouts.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Few Do's & Don'ts! Organizing A Wedding

  • Planning of wedding is a tough task. There are numerous things that you need to take care of to successfully pull off the event. Let us take a look at some of the prominent do’s and don’ts of organizing a wedding and arranging for a wedding supplier.
  • Decide the budget. Take it into account the financial support you are going to get from your family members & friends. 
  • Next decide on the kind of wedding. Whether you would like to tie the nuptial in traditional way or would like to go with an exciting theme or destination wedding.
  •  Make list of guests. Cross check the list along with family member to make sure you have not missed any one.
  •  Book a venue according to the number of guests. Make sure the venue is comfortable to reach for both parties. If you have made staying arrangement for the guests then it would be better if the venue is nearby. It will save time and transportation cost.
  •  Next come vendor and suppliers. Make a list of vendors & suppliers needed for marriage.
  •  Ask friends, relatives and acquaintances to furnish names of some good vendors. You can also take help of social networking sites like Facebook and Orkut to get hold of some reliable vendors. You can also check in local newspapers.
  •  Short list 3 to 5 suppliers for the job then fix an appointment with them. A face to face meeting will better then a telephonic conversation or email. In person meeting will help you to better explain your needs and see how they can fulfill it.
  •  Keep a record of the wedding suppliers you met. Make it a point to note down how you felt after meeting them. You can write positive and negative points of each of them. It will make the selection process easy. Also ask them to give a quote. 

  • Once you feel that you have fond the suitable wedding vendor then go ahead and get into a return contract. 
  • On the wedding day there are numerous task, so decide in advance what work you will allot to whom, don’t take everything on yourself.
  • Appoint someone with good interpersonal skills as the head. It would be his job to ensure that everyone is doing their job correctly.

  • Don’t trust anyone blindly. When it comes to vendors always make it a point to do thorough background check. Ask for references. A good suppliers will happily give you contact of his loyal customers.
  • Don’t hire suppliers who exceed your budget.
  •  Don’t be impatient and jump on the first option that comes on the way. If you like some vendor but he is not agreeing on your terms and condition then don’t worry, and let him go. Keep searching till you come across a good vendor.
  • Don’t sign the contract in a hurry. Take your own time, do some market research, read testimonials and check quote, if you find all the these reasonable and most importantly it is within your budget then only think about getting into a contract.

Monday 23 September 2013

5 Things To Do After Engagement

Congratulation, now you are engaged, the social networking status on your Facebook account has now changed from single to committed, well wishes are pouring from every corner. Enjoy every moment of this courtship period.  Talk, shower each other with lots of love and praises. Here are top 5 things that you should do just after getting engaged, believe us it will have an electrifying effect on your relationship.

Tip 3: Spend Time Together: 

Two persons get close to each other when they talk and spend time together. Take your fiancée out talk; find out each other hobbies, interest and likes. Don’t worry if your interest don’t meet because opposites make great couple. If yours is going to be arranged marriage then it is very important to spend some quality time. If you are falling in love admit it, you can do it in stylish way, take her out for a coffee, go over the counter order a cappuccino with “I love you”  or “My heart beats for you” written on it. When it will be delivered, you can see a series of mixed emotions of happiness and surprise. The other way to confess your love is on romantic candle light dinner or long drive.

Tip 2: Use of technology:

If you are from a conservative family that doesn’t approve meeting before marriage then don’t worry use technology to keep in touch. First comes mobile phone - you can spend hours talking or sending message.  Most of the telecommunication providers have pocket friendly plans for friends & family, so take advantage. The other option is use all mighty “Internet”, you can chat for hours or do video conferencing. This way you can see each other blow some sweet kisses and share some virtual hugs.

Tip 1:    Take Advice:

You don’t have to wait till wedding to take advice and opinion of each other. It is quite understandable that after wedding you will be taking most of the decision mutually, but have you ever thought that there are three decisions that you need to make before wedding that are equally important.  The first is wedding invitation card, almost of the couples keep their wedding invitation card for life time. It is about both of you, then why not choose it together. The best would be to go with a customized wedding invitation with a romantic photograph of you on the leaflet. The second important decision is regarding the wedding ring. Talk to each other and find out about the style, pattern and metal. Girls love intricate patterns, talking to your sweetie will help you get her dream ring. A same styled ring even in different metal compliments each other beautifully. The third decision is regarding wedding attire, most of the time it is the decision that is taken individually, but if you consult each other regarding the style and color of attire then both of you will look great.

These three tips will strengthen your bond of love & the amazing chemistry would be there for the world see on the wedding day.

Monday 8 July 2013

Most Celebrated Tradition Of Hindu wedding cards

The Hindu weddings are absolutely unique in many aspects as compared to any other religion in the world, and same is the case with Hindu wedding cards. While most of other religions ignore the fact that a wedding card is the representative of their culture and religions, Hindu families have always been considering the invitation cards highly sacred and auspicious. The first invitation is always sent to the highly worshipped god Ganesha, who is an elephant-headed god of wealth and wisdom. It is believed that after receiving invitation, lord Ganesha comes to the home of hosting family and stays there for more than a week, till the all events and programs get complete without any trouble. The first invited gets a special place on each printed invitation through his sacred worship mantras and a fascinating image on the front page, in most of the cards.

The traditional types of wedding cards are the most popular in Hindu families, which carry an impression of their culture and beliefs. Especially, the handcrafted cards are highly preferred, considering their personalized layout and design. In most of the wealthy families, the wedding card is distributed coupled with a small pack of sweets to spread cheers among friends and family members.

On the information front, these wedding cards somewhat similar to the cards of other parts of the world, containing detail like a wedding venue, family and profile of bride and groom etc. Some families also prefer to mention the names of their enterprises along with contact details to create a further impact. However, unlike the western cultured marriages, guests are not asked to carry cards along with them as an entry pass to the ceremonies. The family members of groom are invited with garland and tilak, which further enhances the uniqueness of this occasion.

However modern the society has become and whatever progress technology has made in the field of printing, still the scroll invitations are one of the most preferred invitations for marriage. Though modern means such as email, social networking sites, SMS and WhatsApp have to an extent helped people remind about the marriage but the invitations are still the most sought means of inviting guests. These alternate means or popularly called as secondary means are apt for the sake of reminders only and as the wedding cards are part of the tradition so these cannot be avoided in any marriage.

Also, with the new innovations in printing, the cards have not only become more affordable and bulk printing is ultra-affordable, these have also become too myriad in terms of color, design and patterns. Earlier when card printing was painstaking, these days it is all digital and multiple designed cards can be printed instantly. In addition to this, card printing has also taken a next step with the advent of digital printing and now these are more affordable than ever. Indian tradition and wedding cards have very close connection and this is the reason why these have only evolved to a better footing than fading in use.

Monday 24 June 2013

Buy Most Admirable Wedding Cards Online!

Selecting an invitation card for the once in a lifetime occasions like weddings is one of the most ignored and lazily handled tasks. Very few people understand the fact that how good impression among the guests’ minds can be created through innovative and admirable wedding cards. And in today’s era of themed weddings, in which everything bears an interconnection, people have started including the invitation cards in this theme.

Wedding Cards

 Selecting the most suitable card for your marriage was never so easy, with a large number of wedding planners and wedding service providers are offering free consultation services online. Like everything else, there should be a separate budget allocated to the creation of invitations. Once the budget is allocated, the next step comes in the process is selecting the best suitable one as per your tradition and class.

The power of internet provides you a never before opportunity to plan your weddings and take consultation form expert designers online. These consultants understand the importance of cards of wedding for the bride and groom who are going to remember this occasion for the lifetime. This is the reason why there has been a considerable rise in the popularity of these types of services.

So, next time ready to create a fascinating impression through a charismatic card design whenever someone gets married in your family. The invitation cards are considered to be the first impression givers of your wedding ceremony and most of your guests will be able to get a glimpse of what kind of ceremony is going to be there in the main event. Moreover, the aura and style of invitation card plays an important role in creating an excitement among the guests for attending the final ceremony along with giving them a glimpse of what can be expected from it.

There are various themed ones available in the market. The most popular is the flower theme and the royal theme. Matching cards for almost all theme are available online and specially the flower and royal themes are the best ones. These not only will give you a wide variety but will also enable you to have an awesome looking card. Besides this some region specific themes are also available and these are restricted to some regions only. If you have a liking for the tradition you can opt the region specific or the ones that are popular in your region.

If you are the one who is fond of experimenting then the modern ones are also available online and most of the online portals offer myriad variety of these. In addition to the customizations options related to paper, texture, printing and style, there are also options available with respect to wordings, images on the cards and many more others. One can also ask the printing company to design an altogether new one based on the design ideas from your side. This will make sure that yours is different from all the ones that have been designed till now.

Monday 10 June 2013

Wedding Night Room Decoration ideas

Whenever someone new is coming to our place we always try and make every possible thing of his/ her choice in order to make them comfortable. Thus when one family member is getting added to our family, it is very important to make them comfortable and happy.

It is very important to decorate the room of a bride and the groom as this will make them feel very special. Whenever there is a plan for the decoration of a bridegroom room the idea must be decided when the Hindu wedding card reaches their homes, as this Hindu wedding card is a symbol that very less time is left for you to decide. There are many options in which we can get there room decorated like the most common one is the flower option.

Everyone likes flower as these are symbol of love, so these are the right choice. Now the most commonly used color for this occasion is red as this a color of love and roses are the best option but make sure that the roses with good fragrance are ordered as these are other roses as well but these lack the fragrance part.

The second option in this segment is the orchids which are very much preferred now days as these ads to the beauty of a room and are very delicate and gives a very soft look. The whole room including the walls and the bed can be decorated or only a small decoration of bed will do it.

One can also plan for this outside the house that is in a Hotel that is a big luxurious room, with a very beautiful window view. Generally, if such a room is booked then the hotel provides decoration of the room free of charge.

The selection of the room light is very important; this should be kept light as this makes the ambience look more beautiful. One can also add a light and romantic music this will do an icing on the cake.

The third option in this regard is to opt for a candle option. The room can be decorated with many small and big candles of different colors. Shapes and sizes. This will be a very nice idea and everyone will appreciate this as even after wedding people do opt for a candle light dinner for their Anniversary Celebration.

Another important thing to remember is placing a music system with some charming instrumental music cd in it. Also, the room should have a pleasant fragrance. If one known the preference of the bride or the groom, then it is great otherwise, rose or musk fragrance are always preferred. In addition to this the room must not be too stuffed and there should be little furniture in it. This makes the room look big and the decoration of the bed is highlighted. The wedding night bed can be decorated using a veil or curtain or without it. Furthermore, water, some fruits and eatables such as biscuits or cake should also be placed inside the room.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Leave A Lasting Impression By Applying Innovative Ideas To Welcome The Baraat

Weddings are becoming more glitzy day by day. People are not lagging behind anymore in splurging money and the emphasis is on coming up with unique ways to amuse and mesmerize the invited guests by thinking out of the box. Receiving baarat is one of the most significant moments of a wedding event. It is no exaggeration to say that almost the entire success of a wedding event is dependent on this aspect. Generally, the family of a groom and his near and dear ones possess a tendency to associate the welcome of the baraat with their reputation. In such case, bride’s family remains quite cautious since no wedding preparation can compensate with that welcoming that is devoid of enthusiasm and proper arrangements. Unique ideas regarding greeting the procession can mesmerize the groom’s kith and kin, to a great extent. Let’s have a glance on some brilliant ideas:

Serving refreshment like snacks, beverages, sweet, etc is a common feature but adding some unique touch to the same feature will certainly impress the baraatis. For an instance, if budget is not a concern then beverages may be presented in silver glasses and instead of sweets pieces, entire sweet box, adorned with a beautiful packing may be offered to the guests. For little kids, chocolates in an attractive pack may be offered.

There is a trend of showering flower petals on the barratis, but by making this trend more personalized, you can leave a lasting impression. For an instance, on the entrance door, two little girls or young girls may stand on the opposite sides of the entrance door for offering a rose bud to every single guest in the procession. Another impressive idea is to welcome the gents by putting garlands around their necks by elder person from a bride’s family or to welcome the females by offering them a beautiful and fresh rose bud. You can also think of showering petals of beautiful flowers on the guests by putting all the petals inside a big balloon and the moment, baraatis enter the entrance guest, the balloon will burst and the petals will fall on the guests.

Sprinkling rose water is a common feature but a touch of uniqueness may be developed in that as well, by using rose air freshener in AC systems, in order to spread a pleasing scent around the venue. By using a quality freshener, you can easily turn the cooling system of your venue into a fragrant deodorizer.

The trend of wedding favors has been in existence from a long time, but how to ensure smile on the faces of the guests by offering them a good wedding favor, is still an intriguing question. The choice and preference of every single guest is bound to be different from another. If budget is a constraint then it does make sense to opt for standard wedding favors like wall clocks, god idol, etc, but if budget is not a constraint then there is no limit of creativity in thinking about attractive wedding favors. Offering a wedding favor with a box of dry fruits and a thank you card will certainly go a long way to impress your guests.

Another great idea is to offer a thank you card to the barratis. A thank you card may also be included in a wedding invitation. There are some outstanding online wedding invitation card portals that offer a customized package for muslim wedding cards and hindu wedding cards. A package includes main wedding card, RSVP card and Thank You Card in advance. Besides offering hindu wedding cards and muslim wedding cards, the majority of the online card stores also offer Christian wedding card, multi-faith wedding invitation, etc.